[TriZPUG] jump start needed

Clark, Tom tomclark at shawu.edu
Sat Dec 6 02:48:54 CET 2008

Gosh, Scott...from the subject line, I thought you were by the side of the road somewhere, emailing for help from your smartphone... ; )

[Good luck, with the project...I'm a newbie myself or I'd offer to help...]


Tom Clark, MLS
Librarian, Wiggins Divinity Library
Shaw University
tomclark at shawu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: trizpug-bounces+tomclark=shawu.edu at python.org on behalf of Scott Hicks
Sent: Fri 12/5/2008 8:34 PM
To: Triangle (North Carolina) Zope and Python Users Group
Subject: [TriZPUG] jump start needed

I wanted to send out a message to see if anyone in Trizpug would be gracious
enough to answer a few questions and/or provide a little help to get me
started with Python.  I recently took the plunge and bought a new MacBook
Pro.  So, I am also learning the Mac OSx environment.  Here's is what I am
interested in:

* Getting a python development environment setup correctly on the Mac.  I
would like to start with 3.0 since I am new, but do not yet see a Mac image
available yet on Python.org
* I have purchased TextMate and would like to learn tips and tricks of that
* I have a particular project in mind.  Pretty simple html parsing /
processing and reading and writing to an sqlite database (database is
complete).  I have looked at and played around with HTMLParser, urllib, and
other libraries such as twill.  They all seem to do the same job and I am
not sure which one would best suit my needs.  Eventually, I want to get into
driving Selenium Grid with Python.

I realize it is the holiday season and I do not want to get started until
January.  Hopefully, Python 3 will be available for the Mac by then.

If anyone is willing to help me out, it would be much appreciated.  I will
make sure Santa is extra nice to you.....


Scott Hicks

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