[TriZPUG] August TriZPUG Meeting

Josh Johnson josh_johnson at unc.edu
Fri Aug 15 15:27:19 CEST 2008

bob gailer wrote:
> Mike Revoir wrote:
>> Hello everyone. Our next meeting on the 28th is fast approaching -- 
>> anyone up for a night of lightning talks? I'd be happy to give one on 
>> PolicyTestCase. Please come prepared to share or we'll have to... 
>> well, let's just say, please bring a talk with you. If you let me 
>> know I'd be happy to add you to the meeting description.
> I am not 100% sure I can make it but if I can I will be happy to give 
> a presentation on the Python Pipelines project.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_Pipelines
I'll volunteer to talk about my enhancements to ZopeSkel for archetype 
schema creation in plone... makes life SOOOO much easier.Within 5 
minutes we should have a working archetype with a nice looking schema :)


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