[Tracker-discuss] Reviving a [mostly] dead account

Michael Witten witten at alum.mit.edu
Thu Nov 10 13:26:38 EST 2016

I suspect that this email is inappropriate for this list, yet I am
unaware of a forum that would be more appropriate.

In short, I registered the account `mfwitten' on Wed, 22 Oct 2008, at
approximately 19:44:02 -0000; I still have the registration email,
including the `key', if that matters. This account is associated with
the following email address:

  mfwitten at mit.edu

Alas, I have not had access to that email address for a very long time
indeed, and even if I have managed to remember the password for my
tracker account, it may have been obliterated when the system was told
that I had forgotten my password.

If possible, I would like to have the `mfwitten' account's primary email
address reset to the one on this email, namely:

  witten at alum.mit.edu

Alternatively, it would probably be enough to have the password-reset email
sent to that address, so that I may configure things on my own.

Thanks for you help,
Michael Witten

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