[Tracker-discuss] [issue319] Add 'easy' query to default template

A.M. Kuchling metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za
Sun Feb 21 01:02:21 CET 2010

A.M. Kuchling <lists at amk.ca> added the comment:

Here's a further revision, to be applied atop the current code.

Most seriously, the searches may have worked on my little 3-issue database, but turn out to be wrong on the live server; @filter needs to be the empty string, and @action needs to be supplied.  There's also a sneaky trap; the keyword IDs in my test installation of Roundup are not the same as those in the live tracker. The new patch fixes both issues.

Second, today someone made the obvious suggestion that I stupidly missed: also add the query for 'easy' items.  The other keywords -- 64bit, 26backport, etc. -- don't seem useful.

The links are now ordered as 'Create New', 'Show Open', 'Show Easy', 'Show Unassigned', 'Show Needing Review', 'Show Having Patch'.  You may wish to rearrange.

Third, it adds &nbsp; between the words so 'Needing Review' isn't broken across lines.

(I kind of want to remove some of the standard site links -- ABOUT, NEWS, etc. -- since they're pushing the 'Issues' section far down the page.  But maybe that requires more thought.)

status: resolved -> chatting
title: Add 'need review'/'has patch' queries to default template -> Add 'easy' query to default template

PSF Meta Tracker <metatracker at psf.upfronthosting.co.za>
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/html/page.html b/html/page.html
--- a/html/page.html
+++ b/html/page.html
@@ -104,6 +104,19 @@
        tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url('issue', {
       '@sort': '-activity',
       '@group': 'priority',
+      '@columns': columns,
+      '@action': 'search',
+      '@filter': '',
+      'keywords': 6,
+      'status': 1,
+      '@dispname': i18n.gettext('Show Easy'),
+      '@startwith': 0,
+     })"
+       i18n:translate="">Show&nbsp;Easy</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#"
+       tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url('issue', {
+      '@sort': '-activity',
+      '@group': 'priority',
       '@filter': 'status,assignee',
       '@columns': columns,
       '@search_text': '',
@@ -115,26 +128,26 @@
        i18n:translate="">Show Unassigned</a></li>
     <li><a href="#"
        tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url('issue', {
+      '@action': 'search',
       '@sort': '-activity',
       '@group': 'priority',
-      '@filter': 'status,assignee',
+      '@filter': '',
       '@columns': columns,
-      '@search_text': '',
-      'keywords': 4,
-      'status': status_notresolved,
+      'keywords': 8,
+      'status': 1,
       '@dispname': i18n.gettext('Show Needing Review'),
       '@startwith': 0,
-       i18n:translate="">Show Needing Review</a></li>
+       i18n:translate="">Show&nbsp;Needing&nbsp;Review</a></li>
     <li><a href="#"
        tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url('issue', {
+      '@action': 'search',
       '@sort': '-activity',
       '@group': 'priority',
-      '@filter': 'status,assignee',
+      '@filter': '',
       '@columns': columns,
-      '@search_text': '',
-      'keywords': 5,
-      'status': status_notresolved,
+      'keywords': 2,
+      'status': 1,
       '@dispname': i18n.gettext('Show Having Patch'),
       '@startwith': 0,

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