[Tracker-discuss] bugs.python.org schema redesign

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Wed Mar 25 06:47:46 CET 2009

Brett Cannon writes:

 > What do other people think? If others are happy with Stage as it is then we
 > could add the "Needs docs" step along with "Needs backporting" and that
 > should fill in the gaps along with a "Needs Decision" keyword to help grab
 > the attention of core developers when people are stuck and need help with
 > deciding how to do something (should address Tennessee's desires).

There's plenty of stuff that "needs decision" being discussed on
python-dev.  Are committers really going to troll the tracker for the
"needs decision" keyword?

 > But I do not want to add the maintenance headache of listing every
 > top-level module and package in the stdlib.

XEmacs's tracker has had that from day 1.  It's not a burden at all.

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