[Tracker-discuss] private (non-public) bugs

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Jul 12 23:54:39 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 12, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

>> That would work for me.
> Ok, I have created that tracker, as
> http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/security
> Barry is Admin user, you should
> 1. invoke the password reset procedure
> 2. create a test issue, to verify that
>   a) the issue gets announced to security at python.org
>      (I can't, as I'm not member of that list)

Do you want to be?

>   b) anonymous users have no way to get at the issue,
>      individual messages or files

The tracker appears to work, thanks Martin!  I'm in, did a password  
reset, and created an issue.  I could not get to the tracker as an  
anonymous user.  The issue did show up on the security mailing list.

Two quick problems I noticed: I can't assign an issue to Python 3.0,  
and it appears as though the priorities are different than the  
standard tracker.  It would be great if they were the same.

> 3. create any new users through the web interface.
>   Users can't register themselves, so the admin has
>   to create them.
>   The schema is the same as in the Python tracker, so
>   people should normally get the Developer role (unless
>   you add users which should not be able to change
>   status etc, and not show up in the assign-to list)

I think anybody who has access to the security tracker should at least  
be a Developer, if not also an Admin.

Security list members: if you want access, please let us know.  I  
think we should use the meta tracker from now on for the security  
tracker too.

Martin, this is great, thanks.
- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


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