[Tracker-discuss] Call for volunteers to help maintain bugs.python.org's issue tracker

Martin Marcher martin at marcher.name
Fri Feb 22 11:57:03 CET 2008


On 2/21/08, Raghuram Devarakonda <draghuram at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to point out that the document at
>  http://wiki.python.org/moin/TrackerDevelopment is not an accurate
>  description of setting up a local instance with the *latest* source
>  (confirmed by Martin). I have updated it with couple of notes that I
>  needed to get going. I suggest that any one who is setting up a local
>  instance to actively update this document with their experiences. For
>  the record, I reached a point where the tracker is up and running but
>  when I create an issue, there is an error - something about wrong
>  SPAMBAYES_URI configuration parameter. I will post more details (and
>  update the wiki page) once I get some time to look into it more.

I had the same issue, i solved it by removing the xapian package from
my system. IIRC it says at the top something about a missing attribute
"stem" - still a description of what to change in the source to have
xapian installed _and_ a working python tracker would be very nice.


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