[Tracker-discuss] Creating a Jython tracker

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sun Feb 3 21:56:43 CET 2008

On Feb 3, 2008 10:02 AM, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
> > So, are we in a position to set up a Jython tracker?  For simplicity,
> > we could probably assume that the bug-handling workflow will be the
> > same as Python's and use the same schema, detectors, etc.  I'd expect
> > the most labor-intensive step would be importing the old SF bugs.
> I could work on that over the next week(s). It would be best
> if I could get admin rights on the tracker, so that I could run
> the exporter myself. I would then produce a demo installation, so
> people can check whether it looks correctly.
> A few other things that need to be decided:
> - what URL should that tracker use? who needs to set up DNS so that
>    it works?
> - what is the email submission address?
>    (the DNS person would also have to make the upfronthosting machine
>     the mail exchanger for that domain)
> - what email messages should be sent to what addresses under what
>    conditions, and who should be the sender?
> I'll probably need help from upfronthosting for the SMTP stuff, and
> somebody's help for the DNS stuff; the rest I can do on my own (unless
> I forgot something).

I really need to get off my ass and write up that announcement that we
need more tracker admins. Expect an email on that shortly. But it
would be great if the Jython community could possibly wrangle someone
into helping out on a permanent basis. Since Upfront maintains the
machine its mostly Roundup maintenance/customization and database
stuff (am I missing something, Martin or Erik?).


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