[Tracker-discuss] Spam/vandalism

Paul Dubois pfdubois at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 18:47:04 CEST 2007

An issue can be 'retired' using an administrative tool on the tracker
machine. I'm signed up to be the person who does this. While I check for
spam periodically it is always good to be told about some.

The metadata can be reversed because the log tells what the changes were.
Again, I will take care of this.

I'll have to change the password on the offending account and see if I can
contact the owner.

On 9/15/07, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote:
> It looks like we have the first vandalism incident in the live tracker,
> see issues #1165, #1166.
> How to proceed here?
> In #1165, the spammer added a comment and made several changes to
> metadata.
> Marking the offensive message ("Hi guys.") as spam doesn't make sense. I
> can
> delete the message, but it doesn't seem that I can easily delete the
> metadata
> changes made.
> #1166 is a newly created nonsense issue. Can it be deleted completely?
> Also, since the offending username "esr" was part of the Python SF.net
> project, how did the spammer gain access to the account?
> Georg
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