[Tracker-discuss] [Pydotorg] Fwd: spamvertised content on bugs.python.org

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon May 14 15:10:59 CEST 2007

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On May 14, 2007, at 4:54 AM, Brad Knowles wrote:

> Looks like we're having some problems within the bug tracking system,
> and I'm not quite sure where to report this one.

I think the meta-tracker is the right place to report this:


as is the tracker-discuss at python.org mailing list.

> We should probably also re-check all of our other systems to ensure
> that they are secure.

The Roundup tracker is still beta so I know that those guys have been  
working hard to address issues like this.  As far as other systems  
go, I think the wiki has been plagued by spam in the past, though  
ISTR reading that certain recent measures have helped here too.

> Barry -- I imagine we'll want to check all known blacklists to ensure
> that our IP address(es) either has/have not been added as a result of
> this activity, or that we get it/them removed as quickly as possible.
> I'll do an initial run on that process right after I send this
> message (checking all the IP addresses, hostnames, URLs, etc... that
> I know about using all the blacklist checking resources I know
> about), but you'll probably want to followup as soon as you can.

Brad, I really appreciate you looking into this.  I don't know when  
I'll have time to look into this, but if there's anything specific  
you want me to look at, let me know.  I'll try to hang out on  
#pydotorg today.

[quoting the rest of the message for the benefit of tracker-discuss - 

- -Barry

> Lets see how quickly we can get this issue resolved.  I'd followup
> with immediate telephone calls right now, but I don't have any
> numbers for anyone, and since it's 3:50AM CDT, I figure most of the
> US people are probably asleep.  I might be able to catch a few people
> in Europe, but that would include the likes of Vincent and this
> message demonstrates that they're probably already doing everything
> they can.
> We'll want to address that telephone escalation issue in the "lessons
> learned" session after we've dealt with the initial fallout.
> Here we go....
> --- begin forwarded text
> Delivered-To: postmaster at bag.python.org
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 09:21:02 +0200
> From: Vincent
> Organization: XS4ALL Internet BV
> Cc: postmaster at python.org
> Subject: spamvertised content on bugs.python.org
> Hello,
> It appears that spammers have uploaded some files to bugs.python.org
> (and perhaps other places) with the intention to abuse the system as
> a spamvertised-website hosting system.
> Here are some URLs that have been reported to us (as actual spam- 
> reports):
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7737/strippers456.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7733/squirt.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7735/stocking.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7738/strippers.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7741/swingers5236.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7739/stripping.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7740/sucking.html
>   http://bugs.python.org/file7742/swingers.html
> I'd recommend you examine the logs for the bug tracking system to
> find any accounts related to this one and close them. This type of
> abuse has recently taken off; it might be useful to re-examine the
> measures in place to prevent this and other abuse of the bug-tracking
> system.
> -- 
> XS4ALL Abuse    http://www.xs4all.nl/veiligheid/
> XS4ALL Internet B.V. Diemen         KvK 33287534
> --- end forwarded text
> -- 
> Brad Knowles <brad at python.org>
> Member of the Python.org Postmaster Team
> Co-moderator of mailman-users and mailman-developers mailing lists
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