[Tracker-discuss] 2.5.1 out the door; time to start thinking about a switch-over date

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed May 9 19:37:15 CEST 2007

On 5/9/07, Izak Burger <izak at upfrontsystems.co.za> wrote:
> Erik Forsberg wrote:
> >> So I tried to do this but I couldn't get the tool to run; missing some
> Perl
> >> module and I don't know Perl so I don't know how to get it and install
> it.
> >
> > It's OK to use Firefox or some other browser to repeat the problem -
> > I'm using their perl script only to emphasize that the problem is not
> > browser-specific.
> If you send me the error message I might be able to figure out which
> perl module it wants.  I'm not a perl guru by any means, but I have some
> experience finding the correct libwhatever-perl debian package...

It's Crypt/SSLeay.pm .  I just don't know how to install the thing (I assume
I just download from CPAN).

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