[Tracker-discuss] [issue105] Dealing with spam

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 21 18:44:06 CET 2007

>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Seefeld <seefeld at sympatico.ca> writes:

    Stefan> Erik Forsberg wrote:
    >> skip at pobox.com writes:
    >>> and none of the fields are sensitive to the mouse.
    >> Sounds to me like you're not logged in. 

    Stefan> ...which would explain why you aren't added to the 'nosy' list;
    Stefan> that requires a user (with a real email address !).

You are both correct, however as I pointed out to Brett in private email, my
frustration stemmed from a) not being able to do anything and b) not being
able to figure out how to do anything.  Brett opened a ticket about the
missing doc link.  That was my fundamental roadblock.  The link that was
there was to the Roundup docs, which I believe are more suited to someone
wanting to develop a Roundup instance than to users of a Roundup instance.


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