[Tracker-discuss] Update on switch-over "stuff"

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sat Mar 10 14:51:01 CET 2007

Brett Cannon schrieb:

> Anyway, I am really excited!  It is going to be sooo nice to be off of
> SF.  I am also bristling with anticipation at the idea of improving
> Python's issue triage steps to make it easier not only for python-dev
> folk but for outside people to more easily contribute.

If I can help in any way, let me know.

There are still a few items in the meta tracker which I consider important
to get resolved before the switch:

32 -> send a mail on all changes to python-bugs-list
25 -> reasonable default queries in the sidebar ("show all open issues",
       "show all unassigned issues", "show all issues")
51 -> auto-add commenting users to nosy list
87 -> add the # of comments to the default overview
78 -> make "patch" and "py3k" checkboxes

I don't know the status of 17 ("pending" status), the status itself seems
to be present, but is the auto-closing behavior implemented?

89, the quick search box, would be nice to have.

These I believe are already fixed:

17 -> comment order
52 -> tell whether a patch exists


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