[Tracker-discuss] Update on switch-over "stuff"

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Mar 10 06:07:31 CET 2007

First off, we now have a timeline for Python 2.5.1.  The expected
release is April 12 (could change if more than one release candidate
is needed or the date just plain slips).  That means about two weeks
to a month after the release we should be able to go ahead and do the
switch.  Obviously no huge rush on the switch-over date, but we should
choose a day and time so the important people (the Roundup admins and
SF admins) can be online in either IRC or some IM chat room while the
switch occurs to fight any fires that flare up (I will be there as
well, but I am not exactly important for the transition  =).

Second, I have started the docs for python-dev so people know how to
work with the new tracker.  It's in the wiki at
http://wiki.python.org/moin/TrackerDocs .  I have not filled in the
field details yet as I am waiting for my password reset email for the
test tracker (I can never remember what I set it to for some reason).
I also didn't fill in the section for instructions on how people can
get a developer account on the tracker.

Third, we should probably write down exactly the steps we want to
follow for the transition.  I started another wiki page at
http://wiki.python.org/moin/TrackerTransition to record the steps.  We
can discuss the steps here in a separate thread when people are ready
to work out the steps.

Anyway, I am really excited!  It is going to be sooo nice to be off of
SF.  I am also bristling with anticipation at the idea of improving
Python's issue triage steps to make it easier not only for python-dev
folk but for outside people to more easily contribute.


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