[Tracker-discuss] List of recently modified issues

Michał Kwiatkowski constant.beta at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 02:04:02 CEST 2007

On 6/5/07, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> wrote:
> I assume you are asking for a programmatically-processable result
> format, rather having to parse HTML pages? Please take a look
> at the "Download as CSV link" at the bottom of each page.

Yes, you're right, I meant data in a format more predictable that
HTML, like XML or CSV. I checked out "Download as CSV" link and while
it provides me with a list of tickets (optionally narrowed down by
search terms) along with some extra information about them (like last
activity date), it's not exactly what I need. What I need is a list of
recent tracker activities, a timeline starting at some fixed date
(like 7 days back from now), including all ticker updates, e.g. status
change, adding file attachments, new comments, etc. To put it another
way, I don't want a mere list of recently changed tickets, but a list
of changes, with some details about each of them (old and new status,
attached file name, first words of a comment, etc).

I could program my way around this, by taking the list of all tickets
in CSV format, choosing those which were recently updated and then
asking Roundup for details about each of them (BTW, I don't see CSV
download option for a single issue). This will be ugly and
complicated, not to say inefficient. One RSS feed with recent updates
generated on the Roundup side will be simply a better fit for my


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