[Tracker-discuss] Reminder: please review tracker schema !

Paul Dubois pfdubois at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 21:24:26 CET 2006

Oh, I did do that experiment. I forgot to say -- I had a Roundup on a
classified system and until I figured out how to satisfy the security
requirements we had no email interface, for a year. Little or no usage.
Added email --> kaboom.

On 11/30/06, Stefan Seefeld <seefeld at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Paul Dubois wrote:
> > I'm sorry that my experience with reality does not agree with your
> > intellectual model of how people behave.  (:->
> >
> > I have actually done the experiment.
> >     Buzilla, no email, just a website -> not used
> >     Roundup, email, and a website -> kaboom! explosive growth of bug
> > reports and team communications.
> >
> > Same people, same amount of management emphasis, etc.
> Well, well, then you should also add 'Roundup, no email, just a website'
> as a data point. Or else you may draw false conclusions. ;-)
> Regards,
>                 Stefan
> --
>       ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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