[Tracker-discuss] Schema

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 06:58:44 CET 2006

On 11/26/06, Paul Dubois <pfdubois at gmail.com> wrote:
>  and suggestions were made about how to deal with blockers. So to sum up
> what Martin and others have said, they do not use priorities except for this
> pre-release period.

This is mostly true, but let me clarify.  Priorities are typically
only *reviewed* just before release. Typically I'll assign any bug
that crashes the interpreter a 7-9.  I do this when I first see the
bug report.  These high priority bugs usually don't stay open very
long.  We also set some regressions to a higher priority.

During release, we used priority 8 to signal the bug should be fixed
if possible before release.  Priority 9 was used for bugs that were
showstoppers.  They had to be fixed before release.  7's were
sometimes also used, but that was only for information and didn't
affect release.

>  Here is another idea for this then: don't have a priority but do have a
> check box or yes/no (probably visible, or at least writeable, by Developers)
> that says something like 'Needed for next release if at all possible'. Then
> a simple search will find all such issues that are still open, etc.

Since it's not a boolean this won't really work.  See above.


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