[Tracker-discuss] tracker updates

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 23 14:48:51 CET 2006

Hi there,

as threatened before, I have made changes to the schema as well as
the html templates in a more drastic way. The (IMO) rather useless
sf.net properties 'category' and 'group' are replaced by 'type',
'severity', 'components', 'versions', and 'platforms'.

I have removed the 'keyword' property (named 'Topic' in the cgi interface),
as the above schema should be rich enough to capture that. We can certainly
add it back, if there still is a need to tag bugs by arbitrary keywords, too.

Please note that all but the type are optional. It's good if the submitter
can provide these details, but he doesn't have to.

In this tracker there are now three roles 'User', 'Developer', and 'Coordinator',
and some fields are not writable to everyone. For example, the status can't
be modified by users, and the assignee field can only be set to a developer.

Also, I have added some very simple logic to make sure resolution gets
set whenever status changes to 'closed', and superseder is set when resolution
is changed to 'duplicate'. Many more similar checks can be added as we further
constrain the workflow.

To test, please log in as either 'user' (password 'user'), 'devel' (password 'devel'),
or 'coord' (password 'coord') to see what you can and can't do in these roles.

Comments ?


PS: I made up all the enumerators, notably for 'component', 'version', and 'platform'.
    It's merely to illustrate their purpose. In the end, all these types will be
    editable for coordinators, so they can add new enumerators as needed.


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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