[Tracker-discuss] new tracker is up and running, please review !

Izak Burger izak at upfrontsystems.co.za
Sat Nov 18 07:50:11 CET 2006

Roché Compaan wrote:
> The db/files directory did not exist. I created it and gave the group
> write permissions and set the sticky bit (g+ws).

Aaah yes.  I noticed yesterday after doing roundup-admin initialise that 
db/files didn't exist, so I created it (I figured it will possibly be 
created when the first email submissions arrives but did not want to 
wait that long).  If Stefan copied files over it it is quite likely that 
it was accidently removed again.

I suppose I could implement the umask setting in the mta.  I know how to 
do this for exim (you just set it in the router definition) but give me 
a second to figure it out for postfix.


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