[Tracker-discuss] Roundup installed

Erik Forsberg forsberg at efod.se
Mon Nov 13 07:10:36 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Izak Burger <izak at upfrontsystems.co.za> writes:

> Hi all,
> A bit more research eventually showed that not only is perchild 
> experimental and sometimes non-functional, it was also removed from 
> apache2.2.  Several other solutions have been written by others, for 
> example:
> http://home.samfundet.no/~sesse/mpm-itk/
> http://mpm.metux.de/index.php/Main_Page
> http://www.telana.com/peruser.php
> Two of them keeps a pool of apache processes running under each uid, and 
> the other runs as root for as long as it can before dropping privileges 
> to the right user.  Each has some problems of it's own.
> So I thought a bit more about the idea of keeping a seperate pool of 
> processes running under the right uid.  This led me to the idea of 
> running a second apache under the roundup uid (that implements the 
> separate "pool of processes") and let the frontend apache pass queries 
> to it.  Then I figured, if I do that I might as well use roundup-server.
> I've changed the configuration now to run roundup-server, with apache in 
> front of it.  Apache will serve all static content, and pass the rest to 
> roundup-server.  The idea is that we let apache do what it is good(and 
> fast) at.

I don't quite see why this was necessary? What was so wrong with the
mod_python approach that it needed change? 

The people on the roundup-users mailing list all seems to agree that
the mod_python frontend is the one with the best performance. It also
has the advantage of keeping the list of processes that need
monitoring at a minimum.

- -- 
Erik Forsberg                 http://efod.se
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