[Tracker-discuss] Server is ready

Roché Compaan roche at upfrontsystems.co.za
Thu Nov 9 14:35:58 CET 2006

[Resending to list - forgot to CC list when I replied to Stefan]

On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 07:25 -0500, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Izak Burger wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Roché Compaan wrote:
> >> The server is ready. Our sysadmin has a few questions, like which
> >> roundup to install and where to install it. Can the list moderator add
> >> him to the list - his name is Izak Burger. He has already added the SSH
> >> keys you gave to the server, which is currently reachable at
> >> psf.upfronthosting.co.za.
> > 
> > I used the usernames you asked for, otherwise I used those I found 
> > inside the public ssh keys.  I had to convert Paul's key with ssh-keygen 
> > to something openssh understands.  Also installed sudo and set it up so 
> > you have full rights.  Let me know if anything doesn't work.
> I can confirm that I'm able to login. Thanks a lot !
> >> This how we currently install roundup:
> >>
> >> We don't install Roundup using debs, we install it from source
> >> in /home/roundup owned by the roundup user. 
> > 
> > Traditionally we've always done it that way, and even though I prefer 
> > using debian packages (I roll my own if required) I think the 
> > traditional way will suit you better.
> Yes, I agree. I just noticed roundup 1.3.0 was released, with a lot of
> bug fixes, as usual.
> >> So far we have used the roundup server behind apache and that seems to
> >> work quite well. Do you recommend we use mod_python?
> > 
> > I'm familiar with using apache or squid as a reverse proxy/accelerator. 
> >   Might need some details on a mod_python setup.
> > 
> >> We use both mysql and postgres as backend. One of our developers
> >> recently fixed postgres' full text searching for Roundup so that might
> >> make it a better option. Which do you prefer?
> > 
> > Personally I prefer postgresql, but it is up to you.  I know both 
> > databases well.
> Yes, I think for the python tracker we'd like both, mod_python as well as
> postgresql.
> However, we'd also like to have a 'meta tracker' where we can discuss
> the configuration and tuning of the python tracker itself. This meta
> tracker can be a vanilla 'classic' (demo) tracker without any tuning,
> i.e. nothing that requires extra admin work to set up.
> As soon as we can get that meta tracker up and running, we are ready
> to discuss the work on the python tracker.
> So: can you please set up a very simple meta tracker for us, and ideally
> subscribe yourself so you can participate in discussions, if any issues
> involve administrative aspects ?

Ok to summarise then, we're going to install the just released Roundup
1.3 using mod_python behind apache and postgresql as backend. When that
is done we'll setup a vanilla 'classic' meta tracker.

What must the web address of the web tracker be. For now we'll just make
it metatracker.psf.upfronthosting.co.za until you point the
bugs.python.org domain at the server.

Btw, I am going to ask Izak to setup a demo of our tracker skin as well
- it's reminiscent of the old skin that Kaping Yee developed and
highlights priority clearly with color. If you don't like it we can
chuck it away.

Roché Compaan
Upfront Systems                 http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za

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