[Tracker-discuss] Import work begun.

Paul Dubois pfdubois at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 19:34:54 CET 2006

tracker-discuss seems to be set for a default of reply to author instead of
reply to group.

Martin gave me some help and I should get my key to him tomorrow; I have
been a little tied up. Thanks for the work done so far.

I should explain that I'm semi-retired and as of June I'm going to be
completely retired so I'm setting up to help from home/Windows rather than
the usual work/Linux and there are some things I'm just not used to doing
that way, such as ssh -- we have those one-time password devices where I
work. So the good news is I will have plenty of time, but the bad news is I
know what I'm doing even less than usual.
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