[Tracker-discuss] Test import

Paul Dubois pfdubois at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 23:53:53 CET 2006

Could we get a posting to the meta of the 'final' schema and
semantics, if it is ready? The discussion was extremely long and
involved. If schema.py / initial_data are telling the right story,
then I just need to know that and any semantic / transition stuff you
agreed on.

On 12/6/06, Erik Forsberg <forsberg at efod.se> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Yo!
> If anyone stumbles by http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/tracker
> and starts to wonder where all the issues came from, they are the
> result of a test import by the new importer code.
> Unfortunately, it hit a bug which I'll have to fix on issue
> 1551/11883, and since it's nighty-nighty-time here, you'll have to
> wait until later for the remaining issues.
> This is just an initial test import of the new importer code, to let
> you see some progress.
> There's one thing to note about this import - it does _not_ take care
> of the 'status' and 'resolution' fields, as the mapping between the
> sf.net values and the values in this tracker need some more thought.
> Cheers,
> \EF
> - --
> Erik Forsberg                 http://efod.se
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