[Tkinter-discuss] horizontal line in Text

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Thu Jan 16 11:56:46 EST 2020


On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 13:14:08 +0000
Vasilis Vlachoudis <Vasilis.Vlachoudis at cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi all,
> is it possible to draw a horizontal line in the Text() widget, something
> like the <hr> in html, extending all over the widget.

I have done this before with an embedded Frame widget, however changes to
the Text widget size have to be taken into account and the Frame widgets
need to be resized accordingly, which makes things a bit complicated.
Maybe there is a simpler way to do that, but I don't know any.

I'll post the important parts of the code I used below.

I hope this helps :)



    def send_hor_rule(self, *args):
        xoff = int(self.text['highlightthickness']) + \
               int(self.text['bd']) + int(self.text['padx']) + 15 # 15 px. extra padding
        w = self.text.winfo_width() - 2 * xoff
        f = tkinter.Frame(self.text, height=4, highlightthickness=0,
                          width=w, relief='ridge', bd=2, bg='gray60')
        i = self.text.index('insert')
        self.text.window_create('insert', window=f, align='center')
        self.text.horRules.append((i, f))

    def _configureHorRules(self, *event): # callback for Configure events
        if self.text.horRules:
            # _getMaxLineSize() is slow, but calling it on every Configure
            # event seems to be the only way to make this work reliably
            maxlinesize = self._getMaxLineSize()
            w = self.text.winfo_width()
            xoff = int(self.text['highlightthickness']) + \
                   int(self.text['bd']) + int(self.text['padx'])
            w_vis = w - 2 * xoff
            m = max((w_vis, maxlinesize))
            for (i, w) in self.text.horRules:

    def _getMaxLineSize(self, *event):
        # calculate the max. required size of a line to use as size
        # for the horizontal rules
        numlines = self.text.count('1.0', 'end', 'lines') or 0
        xpixmax = 0
        if numlines:
            numlines = numlines[0]
            horRuleLines = [
                        int(i.split('.')[0]) for (i, w) in self.text.horRules]
            for i in range(1, numlines + 1):
                if i in horRuleLines:
                    # if a line with a horRule is the biggest, the hor. rule
                    # might get bigger with each reconfiguring, so we must
                    # not take these lines into account
                xpix = self.text.count(
                                    '%d.0' % i, '%d.0 lineend' % i, 'xpixels')
                if xpix and xpix[0] > xpixmax:
                    xpixmax = xpix[0]
        return xpixmax


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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