[Tkinter-discuss] multicolumn list/tree with images

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Thu Feb 15 05:19:28 EST 2018


On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 01:14:53 +0100
<c.buhtz at posteo.jp> wrote:

> I experimented with tkinter.ttk.Treeview and tkinter.Listbox on Python3.
> I need a list widget with multiple columns (this could be Treeview).
> But I need images as values. I don't want to use column '#0' for
> images. Images should appear in the second column for example.
> Tk itself has a treectrl. Maybe it is possible with it? But I don't
> know how to use this with Python3.
> Maybe there are other third party solutions around?

with ttk.Treeview you can add images only to the first column.

There are several third party solutions available, though.
TkinterTreectrl is a wrapper for the tktreectrl tcl extension and
contains a multi column listbox class that can be set up to use images in
any column:
(seems like sf's project pages are down today, but downloads are

There are some other alternatives that I (being somewhat biased
towards the treectrl :) have never been using myself, which should be able
to do this, like tablelist and maybe tktable, you can look at this
archived page for more information and download links:


Finally there seems to be a tix.TList widget which might be able to do
what you want, though I never used it myself, see

Best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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