[Tkinter-discuss] Listbox size

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Wed Feb 14 17:42:46 EST 2018


On Tue, 13 Feb 2018 17:11:47 -0700
Bob van der Poel <bob at mellowood.ca> wrote:

> Getting closer :)
> I asked the question wrongly. I need to determine the number of VISIBLE
> lines in the listbox.

Should be (as used in my previous example)

    visible_lines = lb.nearest(lb.winfo_height()) - lb.nearest(0)

> Using the .winfo_height() does return the height in pixels. Note: You do
> have to make the widget visible before doing this, otherwise you just
> get "1" returned. widget.update() works for this.

I don't think the widget must actually be "visible"; it is only when the
widget is initially created that the widget's dimensions are reported as
1*1 px. Calling update_idletasks() once after the widgets have been
created should be sufficient to work around this.

> So, the next question is: what is the line size?

That is definitely not needed for what you want to accomplish.

> Now, to make life much simpler :) I just played a bit and discovered
> that if I make the listbox visible BEFORE the selection, it
> automatically centers. So, my code now becomes:
>    self.lb.update()
>    self.lb.select_clear(ACTIVE)   # needed to un-hilite existing
> selection self.lb.see(x)
>    self.lb.activate(x)
>    self.lb.select_set(x)
> Easy. And I don't need to worry about the size of the box!

Here see() does not necessarily center the given index. It sometimes
appears near the top or the bottom of the list.
And that's just what the manpage promises:

" if the element is near one edge of the window then the listbox scrolls
to bring the element into view at the edge; otherwise the listbox scrolls
to center the element. "

> Well, mostly. If the selection I want is already on the screen, then the
> box doesn't scroll to center. I think I can live with that.

Good, again that's exactly what the listbox's manpage promises :)
If you want exactly predictable behavior, I think you will have to use
yview() instead.

Best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

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