[Tkinter-discuss] Tcl/TK issue with viewVC (UNCLASSIFIED)

Glasgow, Steven R CIV USARMY TRADOC ANALYSIS CTR (US) steven.r.glasgow.civ at mail.mil
Mon Apr 1 16:32:16 CEST 2013

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
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I got it to work...guess I don't really need the GUI that starts the server.  That GUI is what Tkinter was needed for.  I can leave off the -g option to standalone.py which starts the server without the GUI.  I can then go to http://localhost:49152/viewvc from my browser and everything works to include cvsgraph.

Playing middle-man between viewvc and Tkinter wasn't proving to be very useful.

Apparently, version 1.2.x of viewvc has had the -g option removed from standalone.py because the interface was old and out dated.  The copy of standalone.py that you were looking at had in fact (as near as I can tell) had the Tkinter code removed as that file came from the truck.  The 1.1.x branch probably still had the "bug" in it, which is what I was using.

Regardless, I can do what I need with viewvc now without the need for Tkinter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tkinter-discuss [mailto:tkinter-discuss-bounces+steven.r.glasgow.civ=mail.mil at python.org] On Behalf Of Michael Lange
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:28 PM
To: tkinter-discuss at python.org
Subject: Re: [Tkinter-discuss] Tcl/TK issue with viewVC (UNCLASSIFIED)


On Fri, 29 Mar 2013 20:38:31 +0000
<steven.r.glasgow.civ at mail.mil> wrote:

> Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
> Caveats: NONE
> Thank you for the reply.  In fact, my Tk does NOT have thread support 
> (great example you provided on how to find out).  As I'm not the one 
> that installs applications, I'll need to sound a little intelligent to 
> our IT department to get them to do it correctly.  When Tkinter is 
> installed is there an option provided that allows thread support to be 
> added (or not)?  What do I need to tell them to do to get me the 
> thread support that I need?
> Also, don't know if this has anything to do with it or not...  When 
> this RHEL 6.3 machine was initially built it only had 64-bit 
> libraries, the 32-bit ones were added later.  I believe Tkinter was 
> installed before the 32-bit libraries were added.  Could this be an 
> issue, if viewVC requires 32-bit?  Should we just reinstall Tkinter?

I'm afraid the procedure is not trivial, if no precompiled packages are available for the particular system; they would have to compile tcl and tk with --enable-threads (iirc that's the name of the ./configure option) and then compile python against the new Tcl/Tk.

However, when I take a second glance at the traceback, in particular the following lines:

  File "/awars2a/Applicatio​ns/viewvc/viewvc-1-1​-18/bin/standalone.p​y",
    line 671, in ready self.title_lbl.confi​g(text='ViewVC standalone
    server at\n' + server.url)

I am beginning to suspect (though I admit that I was too lazy to thoroughly look through the code) that in fact the code is buggy as it seems to try to change the Tkinter.Label's text from the child thread.
Even better, when I look at:
these lines (resp. the use of Tkinter at all) are missing, so maybe they actually found out about the bug and fixed it.

So I guess that maybe it is the best bet to try the latest development version of viewVC.



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