[Tkinter-discuss] crash on tkFileDialog:asksaveasfilename()

Lynn Oliver raycores at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 21:46:51 CEST 2012

It's packaged using pyinstaller, so it unpacks into a temp folder and runs from there.

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 30, 2012, at 12:22 PM, wrw at mac.com wrote:

> On Sep 30, 2012, at 2:07 PM, Lynn Oliver <raycores at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm puzzled by reports from a single person using my program, who states that he consistently crashes in the common file dialog invoked by asksaveasfilename() if, and only if, he attempts to change folders.  He says this is happening on two different machines, an iMac (see below) and a 2011 MacBookPro, both running 10.8.2 (current version of Mountain Lion).
>> The program is using Python 2.7.2, Tcl/Tk 8.5.  I have never seen this error or been able to reproduce it on my machine, a 2011 iMac also running 10.8.2. 
>> My understanding is that Tkinter is handing control over to a system dialog, so the crash occurs before control returns to Tkinter.  Is there anything I could be doing in my program that would affect this?  I couldn't find any problem reports similar to this for Tkinter.
>> The crash report he sent is below.
>> Thanks...
>> Lynn
> Lynn, I'm no help reading the dump, but I have a question, which is possibly relevant.
> How was your program distributed?  That is, is it an OS-X 'bundle' produced by py2app, or is your user executing python source directly?
> -Bill
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