[Tkinter-discuss] python ImageTk.PhotoImage - segfault

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Sat Feb 11 12:48:43 CET 2012


Thus spoketh Jonathan Zwart <jtlz2 at astro.columbia.edu> 
unto us on Fri, 10 Feb 2012 18:39:54 +0200:

> >
> > On 2/10/12 6:38 AM, Jonathan Zwart wrote:
> > >* Hi,
> > *>
> > >* I wonder if anyone can help with my segfault question on running
> > tkinter
> > *>* on a Mac:
> > *>
> > >*
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9142786/python-imagetk-photoimage-segfault
> > *>
> > >* Many thanks,
> > *>
> > >* Jonathan Zwart
> > * Usually a segfault produces a crash log somewhere. Can you post the
> > contents of it?
> > This is using effbot's PIL library, correct, and not Tk's standard
> > image support (or TkImg library)?
> I don't know how even to answer either of those questions. Most grateful
> for all advice.

looks like the answer to question #2 is obviously "yes".
Unfortunately I don't know about the Mac, so I cannot help much with
question #1.

So it is just a guess:
maybe you are using a PIL version that has been compiled for a
different Python and/or Tk version than you actually are tryimng to use?
Since the segfault seems to occur immediately after the PhotoImage is
created, maybe it is a Tk-incompatibility rather than one with Python,
but again, it is of course just guessed.

So can you tell us which exact Python, Tk and PIL versions are in use and
are these the default ones on your system or custom installs and do you
have multiple versions of any of these installed?



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Either one of us, by himself, is expendable.  Both of us are not.
		-- Kirk, "The Devil in the Dark", stardate 3196.1

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