[Tkinter-discuss] Python3.1 mac os

Georges Arsouze georges.arsouze at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 11:37:34 CEST 2011

sorry for my poor english
1) I'm working on mac os  snow leopard 10.6 and python 3.1
I want to use the ttk and tix widgets

 I have an error message : require tile

On the mailing list i see

I think that it is probably much easier to install the *tile* extension
for Tk-8.4 than upgrading Tcl/Tk and *Python* to Tk-8.5 . You can look
for *tile* packages here:
and once *tile* is installed you can use ttk just as if you had Tk-8.5 .

I hope this helps


What can i do for installing tile ?

2)I try pyhon 3.2 from activate state
Tcl/tk is in version 5
but idle crash

can you help me ? I'm beginning with python

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