[Tkinter-discuss] pack equivalent of grid_remove(), eg. pack_remove() ?

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Thu Dec 9 16:26:16 CET 2010

Thus spoketh python at bdurham.com 
unto us on Thu, 09 Dec 2010 09:48:54 -0500:

> Kevin,
> > No, there isn't. You have to be careful with the packing order for 
> pack_forget() to work--this works best if you limit its use to the last 
> widget group packed. Otherwise, it may be packed in a different 
> location, with surprising results.
> Thanks for that tip! (You're right - I would have been surprised!)
> Is there a best practice way to show/hide specific widgets (or
> containers) in Tkinter?
> Is grid a better layout manager than pack for this type of use case?

Definitely yes, as Kevin pointed out, my convenience class will fail,
too, if there are e.g. multiple frames packed in the same container with
side='left' . Using grid() will save you a lot of headaches which will
compensate the more complex setup of grid() compared to pack().



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

It would be illogical to kill without reason.
		-- Spock, "Journey to Babel", stardate 3842.4

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