[Tkinter-discuss] update of elements in GUI

Firat Ozgul ozgulfirat at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 07:47:53 CEST 2010

I am not sure whether my understanding of your problem is correct, but if I
am not wrong you want something like this:


2010/8/19 Alex Ter-Sarkissov <sigma.z.1980 at gmail.com>

> Ok, it actually seems to work, apart from one thing: what if I need to
> update an array, rather than a single element? I mean, each iteration I
> store an array, then use it the next iteration (naturally, the first array
> is generated randomly). This worked for the counter:
>    1. def run(*args):
>    2.     n=0;master=mainframe
>    3.     best.set('test # %d' % (n))
>    4.     n += 1
>    5.     if n <= 10:
>    6.         mainframe.after(1000, run, n, master)
> but when I do the same for a matrix, I get the computer either hung or some
> errors. Ususally, I run a loop for G generations within the function, but in
> this example the
> algorithm itself restarts G times. Any ideas how to handle this?
> Sorry for being messy, it's just the ONLY thing that I can't make work
> here, everything is is just fine)
> thanks
> 2010/8/19 Alex Ter-Sarkissov <sigma.z.1980 at gmail.com>
> thanks guys, this does seem to work...nevertheless, since I'm quite new to
>> both python and gui design, one more question: how would I do the same, but
>> launching the counter at the click of the button? I tried (from Firat's last
>> example)
>> def increment(*args):    var.set(var.get()+1)    root.after(1000, increment)
>> but1=Button(text="click me", command=increment)
>> but1.grid()
>> but without any success.
>> cheers!
>> 2010/8/19 Firat Ozgul <ozgulfirat at gmail.com>
>> [quote]Cameron Laird: "update() is *not* essential:  after() provides a
>>> non-threading alternative."[/quote]
>>> I agree. If you would not like to use update(), you can use after() in
>>> your code with pretty much the same functionality:
>>> http://paste-it.net/public/e7ce371/
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