[Tkinter-discuss] Bwidget to EXE

bobo kkk-mmm at 163.com
Wed May 27 08:16:44 CEST 2009

I have kicked out this problem. The main problem comes from a segment of bwidget __init__.py code:  
_datadir = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "share", "pybwidget")

It means the path of bwidget main modules. And it exsits in my d:\python25\ . So I copy this folder into my current exe folder, then everything runs well. By the way I have test it with both py2exe and pyinstaller.

Thank you all of you!!

在2009-05-27,"Bobby Metz" <bwmetz at gmail.com> 写道:
I haven't done py2exe work in years, but as I recall I never had any issues with installed Python modules except when my code's import statements were incorrect or missing.  Now homemade modules were a different story.  To get py2exe to recognize them I would use the sys.path.append command to include the sub-dir in which I stored my custom modules within the project.  Example:


Perhaps this would help you if all else fails.



2009/5/25 bobo <kkk-mmm at 163.com>
OK, I will try it now. Thank you for you suggestion!

>bobo wrote:
>> Yes, I have had the BWidget-1.8.0 for Tcl, but I don't know how to install it or put them somewhere. Could you explain it more clearer? Thank you so much.
>You'll need to include it somehow with the Tcl/Tk libaries that you wrap 
>with py2exe. Not sure how that works since I don't develop on Windows.
>Kevin Walzer
>Code by Kevin

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