[Tkinter-discuss] Tkinter on MacOS 10.3.9

Michael O'Donnell michael.odonnell at uam.es
Tue Oct 16 19:08:46 CEST 2007

Dear all,

  I made a standalone application using py2app on a Mac running
OS 10.4.9, using Python 2.51, using Tkinter.

It works fine on Macs of the 10.4.x vintage. However, a user
in China reports the following crash on startup:

ImportError: dlcompat: dyld:
can't open library: /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.4/Tk
(No such file or directory, errno = 2) and the Corpus Tool had to be

Anyone know how to solve this problem?

I don't have access to OS 10.3.9, so cannot check it out.

Could I just zip up the contents of my own
and send that to her to install? Would that work?

I tried deleting my Tcl and Tk frameworks
on my own system and then installing TclTkAqua-8.4.10 from the following url,
and then trying my own application, but it reported incompatible builds:



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