[Tkinter-discuss] How to dettach a Toplevel

Sorin Schwimmer sxn02 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 21:02:58 CET 2006

Hi Michael,

While the two toplevel solution will work nicely, I'm not sure how would I close the main application (at one point I want to be able to do so).

As for the other suggestion, that was my first approach, but it doesn't work. I don't know why,
and sometime I'll have to find out, as I'll need later in my project.

What happens is that when the users logs in (no authentication required) I have a small script in 
KDE Autostart to issue an
xhost local:root
allowing the daemon to show his stuff.

The daemon waits until KDE is up and running and xhost was executed, then it does a

Nothing comes on. If I fire up a Python interpreter and do the things manualy, it works
flawless: I have a graphic window controlled by root, can populate it, withdraw it, iconify it,
destroy it... It proves that from an X server standpoint things are set correctly, but my daemon does something wrong (it may be that the window is created and destroyed immediately, I don't know).

Thanks for your ideas, and give me more if possible

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