[Tkinter-discuss] A Hello and a Question

Peter Lacroix pjlacroix at hotmail.com
Wed May 3 13:53:31 CEST 2006

Hello, I'm new to this list. I've come in search of some answers to 
questions I hope I can articulate enough to be understood.

I would like to know how one would create a button that when clicked would 
clear the entire set of widgets (including the clicked button itself) and 
then display a whole new set of widgets.

The goal is to write a program that has about 6 different steps the user 
goes through to submit information. So for instance the first frame would 
welcome the user and display a "Click to Continue" button. When the button 
is clicked, the widgets would all disappear and be replaced by a new set of 
widgets. When these widgets are finsihed being used and the "Continue" or 
"Submit" button is clicked, again a new set of widgets would replace the 
old...and so on.

I am lost as to how I would design a class(?) that would carry out such a 
task. Ultimately, when the last set of widgets is finished, the program 
would revert back to the first set of widgets.

Is what I am asking clear? Any help would be appreciated.


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