[Tkinter-discuss] application busy problem

Olivier Feys olivier.feys at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 12:05:43 CEST 2006

Thank you for answering me Michael,

Maybe my question is not well asked :

Is it possible to launch an other thread, for example :

- at the beginning of the application, before all the needed imports, a 
small window appears and displays informations or animations (gif) ?
- the same thing when application is working, this time without hiding 
tha main window, but by inserting a small gif in the corner of the 

Michael Lange wrote:

>On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:08:50 +0200
>Olivier Feys <olivier.feys at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I'm using Tkinter to create an application which parses some huge text 
>>files (from 50kb to 120Mb). When the files are being parsed, I would 
>>like to forbid the user to do anything else and to show the application 
>>is busy(like an icon that turns over itself), because when he clicks on 
>>anything, the application fails.
>Hi Olivier,
>you probably want a dialog window that grabs all events:
>    top = Toplevel()
>    top.transient(rootwindow)
>    top.grab_set()
>    Label(top, text="Computing, please wait...").pack()
>The call to transient() makes the dialog always stay on top of the application's root window,
>grab_set() prevents any events from being delivered to other windows in your app.
>I hope this helps
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