[Tkinter-discuss] tkFileDialog: shuts down root window

mopman dnichols32 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 21 18:02:27 CET 2006

Hello, Thank you for the reply.

I commented out the Pmw import and still have the same results.

I usually run the program through  Eclipse with the Pydev plugin.  But I
also have tried running it by bringing up a window console and I have the
same result.  So I don't think it is a problem is with the IDE.

This morning I ran the program on a different computer and still was able to
reproduce on a different computer.  One thing to note is that this morning
the computer is a P4 2.8 Ghz machine.  It took much longer to destroy the
root window.  (The first time I would say 20 times, but after the first
time, it only took 4 or 5 times to do it a second time)  The other computer
is a P4 1.8 Ghz, it takes fewer times.  Could it be a race condition?

Thank you again for your response.


Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> mopman wrote:
>> I'm using python tkinter to create a GUI.  I wish to collect 4 files from
>> a
>> user so for this part I created a GUI that has a Label, Entry  and
>> Button. 
>> To get the file I use tkFileDialog askopenfilename.  My problem is that
>> after a few file selections using the tkFileDialog, the root window is
>> destroyed (the whole program just dissappears). 
>> I have created a simpler example and was able to reproduce the same thing
>> with this.  I've just started using tkinter so I have no idea what I may
>> be
>> doing wrong.  If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
> I don't have Pmw on this machine, but if I comment out the "import Pmw" 
> line, the program works perfectly fine for me (Python 2.4.3, XP, running 
> from the command prompt).
> - do you still get the same problem if you remove the Pmw import ?
> - how do you run the program ?
> </F>
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