[Tkinter-discuss] Tk resource file for layout manager

Gabriel B. gabriel.barros at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 12:25:53 CET 2005

i'm using almost every widget property from my pyTk programs in the
form of resources, like:
 self.tk.option_add ( "*InputClass*background", "White" )

In the widget creation i have only the Class and the Command
attribute, but i'm having to add some tk options to the geometry
method, in the case, pack. Is there any way to overcome this?

For example, every single Frame i pack i use, at least:
 self.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
I'd love to have something like:
 self.tk.option_add ( "*Frame*fill", 'both' )
 self.tk.option_add ( "*Frame*expand", 'yes' )

Is there anything like it?


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