[Tkinter-discuss] A function to allow easier use of gridding in Tk widgets.

Stewart Midwinter stewart at midtoad.homelinux.org
Sat Apr 3 20:19:53 EST 2004

On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 17:45:27 -0600
Kenneth McDonald <kmmcdonald at wisc.edu> spake thusly:

> def grid(specs, sticky='news', widget=None):
>      '''
>      Function to allow easy use of Tk's formatted gridding specification.

would you happen to have a little app that makes use of your grid function so we
can see how it works?

Stewart Midwinter
Tkintern newbie
running on Mandrake Linux 10.0
e-mail: Stewart 'at' Midwinter.ca, stewart 'at' midtoad.homelinux.org
web:    http://www.midwinter.ca, http://midtoad.homelinux.org
voice:  +1.403.714.4329
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Umwelt schuetzen, Rad benuetzen!

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