[TehPUG] Hello dear,

Beikmohammadi, Hasan (Production Planning) beikmohammadi at saipacorp.com
Sat Nov 8 09:34:55 CET 2014

بازم كلاه برداريه !!
از همون ايملهاي كع از نيجريه مياد !!
From: TehPUG [mailto:tehpug-bounces+beikmohammadi=saipacorp.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Keyvan Hedayati
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2014 11:48 AM
To: Tehran Python User Group
Subject: Re: [TehPUG] Hello dear,

ببخشید دوستان ولی به نظرم ایمیل بامزه ای بود و تاییدش کردم

On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Ms. Lillain C. Davis <lillian_c_davis at hotmail.com<mailto:lillian_c_davis at hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hello dear,

Please permit me to introduce myself to you. I am Miss Lillain,  old girl. I saw your profile and i decided to contact you for a special reason. Please can you be my friend?, for more details about me kindly reply to my address (lillian_c_davis at hotmail.com<mailto:lillian_c_davis at hotmail.com>) i have something very special to tell you and also I will send you my photo. For me age, color, race or distance does not matter but true love is what I seek for, and i am ready to give in everything for a true love.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Lillain C. Davis

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Live long and prosper,
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