[Speed] performance 0.5.5 and perf 1.3 released

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon May 29 16:29:44 EDT 2017

2017-05-29 19:00 GMT+02:00 Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>:
> The performance of silent logging calls is actually important for
> all applications which have debug() calls in their critical paths.

I wasn't sure about that one. The thing is that the performance of
many Python functions of the stdlib are important, but my main concern
is to get reproductible benchmark results and to use benchmarks which
are representative to large applications.

> This is quite common in network and/or distributed programming where you
> want to allow logging many events for diagnosis of unexpected runtime
> issues (because many unexpected conditions can appear), but with
> those logs disabled by default for performance and readability reasons.

Note: I would suggest to use a preprocessor or something like to
*remove* the calls if performance is critical. It is the solution was
chose in a previous company working on embedded devices :-)

> This is no more a micro-benchmark than is, say, pickling or JSON
> encoding; and much less so than solving the N-body problem in pure
> Python without Numpy...

I'm working step by step. In a perfect world, I would also remove all
the benchmarks you listed :-)

I'm in touch with Intel who wants to add new benchmarks more
representative of applications, like Django.

>> * Update requirements
>>   - Django: 1.11 => 1.11.1
>>   - SQLAlchemy: 1.1.9 => 1.1.10
>>   - certifi: 2017.1.23 => 2017.4.17
>>   - perf: 1.2 => 1.3
>>   - mercurial: 4.1.2 => 4.2
>>   - tornado: 4.4.3 => 4.5.1
> Are those requirements for the benchmark runner or for the benchmarks
> themselves?

performance creates a virtual env, installs dependencies and run
benchmarks in this virtual environment.

> If the latter, won't updating the requirements make
> benchmark numbers non-comparable with those generated by previous
> versions?

Yes, they are incompatible and "performance compare" raises an error
in such case (performance version is stored in JSON files).

>  This is something that the previous benchmarks suite tried
> to above by using pinned versions of 3rd party libraries.

Versions (of direct but also indirect dependencies) are pinned in
performance/requirements.txt to get reproductible results.

Each performance version is incompatible with the previous one. There
is current no backward compatibility warranty. Maybe we should provide
a kind of backward compatibility after performance 1.0 release, for
example use semantic version.

But I'm not sure that it's really doable. I don't think that it's
matter so much to provide backward compatibility. It's very easy to
get an old version of performance if you want to compare a new version
with old results.

It would be nice to convince PyPy developers to run performance
instead of their old benchmark suite. But it seems like there is a
technical issue with the number of warmups.


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