[Speed] Median +- MAD or Mean +- std dev?

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 18:44:54 EDT 2017

On 15.03.17 18:59, Victor Stinner wrote:
> It's not easy to compare MAD to standard deviation. It seems like MAD
> can even be misleading when reading the "1 ms" part of "10 ms +- 1
> ms".

Don't use the "+-" notation. It is misleading even for the stddev of 
normal distribution, because with the chance 1 against 2 the sample is 
out of the specified interval. Use "Mean: 10 ms  Stddev: 1 ms" or 
"Median: 10 ms  MAD: 1 ms" instead.

> Maybe we need a new --median command line option to display
> median/MAD, instead of mean/stdev displayed by default?

Yes, make this configurable. And make median/MAD the default. ;)

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