[Speed] Performance 0.3 released with 10 new benchmarks

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 20:22:20 EDT 2016


I just released performance 0.3, the Python benchmark suite, with 10
new benchmarks from the PyPy benchmark suite:

Version 0.3.0 changelog.

New benchmarks:

* Add ``crypto_pyaes``: Benchmark a pure-Python implementation of the AES
  block-cipher in CTR mode using the pyaes module (version 1.6.0). Add
  ``pyaes`` dependency.
* Add ``sympy``: Benchmark on SymPy. Add ``scipy`` dependency.
* Add ``scimark`` benchmark
* Add ``deltablue``: DeltaBlue benchmark
* Add ``dulwich_log``: Iterate on commits of the asyncio Git repository using
  the Dulwich module. Add ``dulwich`` (and ``mpmath``) dependencies.
* Add ``pyflate``: Pyflate benchmark, tar/bzip2 decompressor in pure
* Add ``sqlite_synth`` benchmark: Benchmark Python aggregate for SQLite
* Add ``genshi`` benchmark: Render template to XML or plain text using the
  Genshi module. Add ``Genshi`` dependency.
* Add ``sqlalchemy_declarative`` and ``sqlalchemy_imperative`` benchmarks:
  SQLAlchemy Declarative and Imperative benchmarks using SQLite. Add
  ``SQLAlchemy`` dependency.


* ``compare`` command now fails if the performance versions are different
* ``nbody``: add ``--reference`` and ``--iterations`` command line options.
* ``chaos``: add ``--width``, ``--height``, ``--thickness``, ``--filename``
  and ``--rng-seed`` command line options
* ``django_template``: add ``--table-size`` command line option
* ``json_dumps``: add ``--cases`` command line option
* ``pidigits``: add ``--digits`` command line option
* ``raytrace``: add ``--width``, ``--height`` and ``--filename`` command line
* Port ``html5lib`` benchmark to Python 3
* Enable ``pickle_pure_python`` and ``unpickle_pure_python`` on Python 3
  (code was already compatible with Python 3)
* Creating the virtual environment doesn't inherit environment variables
  (especially ``PYTHONPATH``) by default anymore: ``--inherit-environ``
  command line option must now be used explicitly.


* ``chaos`` benchmark now also reset the ``random`` module at each sample
  to get more reproductible benchmark results
* Logging benchmarks now truncate the in-memory stream before each benchmark

Rename benchmarks:

* Rename benchmarks to get a consistent name between the command line and
  benchmark name in the JSON file.
* Rename pickle benchmarks:

   - ``slowpickle`` becomes ``pickle_pure_python``
   - ``slowunpickle`` becomes ``unpickle_pure_python``
   - ``fastpickle`` becomes ``pickle``
   - ``fastunpickle`` becomes ``unpickle``

 * Rename ElementTree benchmarks: replace ``etree_`` prefix with
 * Rename ``hexiom2`` to ``hexiom_level25`` and explicitly pass ``--level=25``
 * Rename ``json_load`` to ``json_loads``
 * Rename ``json_dump_v2`` to ``json_dumps`` (and remove the deprecated
   ``json_dump`` benchmark)
 * Rename ``normal_startup`` to ``python_startup``, and ``startup_nosite``
   to ``python_startup_no_site``
 * Rename ``threaded_count`` to ``threading_threaded_count``,
   rename ``iterative_count`` to ``threading_iterative_count``
 * Rename logging benchmarks:

   - ``silent_logging`` to ``logging_silent``
   - ``simple_logging`` to ``logging_simple``
   - ``formatted_logging`` to ``logging_format``

Minor changes:

* Update dependencies
* Remove broken ``--args`` command line option.


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