[Speed] standalone PyPy benchmarks ported

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Fri Sep 14 22:19:39 CEST 2012

So I managed to get the following benchmarks moved into the unladen repo
(not pushed yet until I figure out some reasonable scaling values as some
finish probably too fast and others go for a while):

meteor-contest (renamed meteor_contest)
spectral-norm (renamed spectral_norm)
bm_mako (renamed bm_mako_v2; also pulled in mako 0.9.7 for this benchmark)
json_bench (renamed json_dump_v2)
raytrace_simple (renamed raytrace)

Most of the porting was range/xrange related. After that is was
str/unicode. I also stopped having the benchmarks write out files as it was
always to verify results and not a core part of the benchmark.

That leaves us with the benchmarks that rely on third-party projects. The
chameleon benchmark can probably be ported as chameleon has a version
released running on Python 3. But django and html5lib have only
in-development versions that support Python 3. If we want to pull in the
tip of their repos then those benchmarks can also be ported now rather than
later. People have opinions on in-dev code vs. released for benchmarking?

There is also the sphinx benchmark, but that requires getting CPython's
docs building under Python 3 (see http://bugs.python.org/issue10224).
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