[Speed] Getting the project off the ground

Miquel Torres tobami at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 5 22:02:45 CEST 2011

Hi all!,

thanks Jesse for all the good work, now we can get to get some work done!

So you are already discussing the different components of the speed.python.org

Who is willing to collaborate on the benchmark runner part? I hope
Maciej can get some help there, some did say they would help some. A
benchmark runner for all Python implementations is not entirely
trivial. The ruby guys were also looking for one. Apart from the
benchmark run itself, there needs to be a policy of locking, like you
mentioned. Does that mean we would be using the whole monster Machine
for a single benchmark run? So no VM isolation for parallel runs?

On visualization part, like I said we helped the Ruby guys configure a
Codespeed instance: speed.rubyspec.org
They have some hefty needs, about half a hundred different benchmarks,
and all ruby implementations, so they are putting Codespeed to its
paces. That is quite fortunate, as wo are working on the same kind of
improvements that speed.python.org will need. Any extra help is
nevertheless welcome, of course ;-)

So how about the runner part? how many people are interested in helping out?


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