[Spambayes] Windows 10 - Office 365

Alberto Martinez albertom13 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 17:55:16 EDT 2020

This software is so amazing that I spent at least 3 hours today trying to get it to work on my work computer, to no avail.

I will not list details, since even on your site you do not claim that it will work.

I just want to point out that Windows 10 will be the Windows OS for a very long time, and the same can be said of Outlook 365.  It is likely worth the effort to get it to work in that environment because it would bring such joy to the world!  If you get it to work on one of your own machines using these tools and discuss it online, I am sure many of us would be able to do it on our own machines.

I tried everything.  I registered the dlls using admin in both 32 and 64 bit, I tried running your install various times, I tried registry hacks I read about, etc.  But couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

“A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in”.

Tried setting my VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS to 0 in system environment variables, but never saw a message.

Anyway, even if you never get it working on this newer evnvironment, I have gotten so much joy out of this software that I just want to end with saying THANK YOU for the work you have done!  It has saved me tons of time!

Have a great weekend.

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