[Spambayes] Spambayes Compatibility

dmccunney dennis.mccunney at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 13:02:48 EDT 2017

On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 11:45 AM, John Daniel <daniel at wako-usa.com> wrote:
>                         We are running Windows 7 and Spambayes 1.1a6 and
> Outlook 2013. I have a few users who don't have a lot of time in their day
> to train their Spambayes. This is resulting in a lot of spam being delivered
> to their mail client. Is it possible to have another anti-spam software on
> our server while Spambayes is on the end user PC's? Also, is Spambayes
> compatible with other anti-spam software to be run at the same time on the
> same machine? Finally, is there a way to find the data for each of my end
> users based on how they have trained Spambayes? Thank you in advance for
> your assistance.

You can certainly run another anti-spam product on your server.  A
local instance of Spambayes on a user workstation classifies mail
delivered *from* the server. I assume you're running 32 bit Outlook
2013, since Spambayes doesn't work as a plugin in 64 bit programs.

For that matter, Spambayes can be run on a server as well as a client.
I don't read mail in Outlook anymore, and have transitioned to Gmail
as my primary account.  But as I recall, Spambayes has an option to
train as it goes, and can be run without creating the desired spam and
ham training folders.  It will take longer to train, but won't require
the investment of time up front.

I don't recall compatibility issues with other anti-spam software
installed on the client at the same time, but it's unclear why you
would want to.  If you have another client based anti-spam product you
like that provides good results, use it instead of Spambayes.

(I don't know offhand about accessing user training data, but it ought
to be possible.)

> John Daniel
> I.T.
> Wako Electronics

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