[Spambayes] win 7 professional and office 2010

Peter Toye spambayes at ptoye.com
Mon Jul 18 13:36:32 CEST 2011


I found that installing SpamBayes NOT under the "program
files x86" works fine. I suspect that SpamBayes writes
information back to the program directory, which is
forbidden in Windows 7.

I've installed mine in "Old programs\SPpambayes" and it
works fine.

Best regards,

mailto:spambayes at ptoye.com

Monday, July 18, 2011, 11:54:21 AM, you wrote:

>     Skip> Please try installing SpamBayes on something other than the
>     Skip> default disk.  Let us know if that works.  We had a recent report
>     Skip> of that working for another user on Windows 7.

>     Claudia> I am not totally sure what you mean - but I uninstalled and
>     Claudia> reinstalled it - but it was defaulting to install in the
>     Claudia> "program files x 86" folder - and I changed it to install into
>     Claudia> "program files" But now I not only do not see any spambays
>     Claudia> buttons - but cannot find it anywhere even though I installed
>     Claudia> twice. It did not go through the set up wizard on installation
>     Claudia> like usual.  It does show it loaded and enabled but under the
>     Claudia> ad ins tabs - it does not show it.

> (Disclaimer: I am not a Windows person.)

> Here is a recent posts about it:

> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes/2011-July/023066.html

> Beyond that I'm afraid I can't be of much help.

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