[Spambayes] Win7 and Outlook 2010 64-bit

Greg Bahns greg at bahns.com
Sun Jun 6 00:09:16 CEST 2010

According the posts I've seen in recent months, there's no sign that
anyone has gotten SpamBayes to work with Outlook 2010 64-bit, so I'm
giving it a try.


Here's what I've tried:


1.       Install 64-bit Python (http://www.python.org/download/)

a.       Python 2.6.5 Windows X86-64 installer

2.       Install Distribute (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute)

3.       Install 64-bit pywin32 (

a.       pywin32-214.win-amd64-py2.6.exe

4.       Installed Spambayes from source

a.       Download 1.1a6 source

b.      Extracted to C:\spambayes-1.1a6

c.       python setup.py install

d.      It apparently installed to C:\Program

5.       permissions to write in spambayes Program Files folder

a.       cd \Program

b.      icacls spambayes /grant users:F /T

6.       Install Outlook add-in

a.       Cd \spambayes-1.1a6\Outlook2000

b.      Python addin.py

Everything appears to have executed successfully, but when I start
Outlook and view the COM add-ins, SpamBayes is disabled.  It says "Not
loaded.  A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in."




I've looked for more details on the error in several places:


1.       C:\Users\greg\AppData\Roaming\SpamBayes

2.       C:\Users\greg\AppData\Local\SpamBayes

3.       NT Event Log

4.       Python Trace Collector in PythonWIn


I was really hopeful that useful troubleshooting info would appear in
PythonWin, but nothing, which makes me think Outlook is probably failing
to load the Add-in at all.  Any suggestions on what I can try from here?





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